It’s so exciting!!

We are doing a giveaway!

That is what this site is all about! Scroll down to see what exciting item we are giving away or are going to give away. 

Even though my intentions have no limits, there are a few factors that influence what I can give away and how often. 

Below I’ve listed a few of the restrictions. If you have a good idea for a future giveaway or a suggestion on how we can improve the process, be sure to get in touch.

You can reach us on our different social media channels or through the contact form at the bottom of each page.

It’s free, a gift from me!

Everything we do only supports our cause to give away more items more often


average value

Giveaways per month

Future giveaways

How you can help us grow

We absolutely love giving away awesome stuff! Unfortunately, our giveaway budget is a bit like a piggy bank – it needs some help growing! 

Here’s where you, our amazing visitor, come in! There are a few ways you can help us spread the word and make our giveaways even bigger and better.

let’s get digital

For now, we’re focusing on awesome digital goodies instead of physical prizes. Why? Shipping comes with tons of complexities, and frankly, we want to reach EVERYONE, no matter where you are or what you’ve got access to.

Here are some of the digital prizes we’re brainstorming that can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere! We’d love to hear your ideas too, so fire away through the form below or hit us up on social media.

Together, let’s make this epic!


It’s all about you!

Tell us your thoughts!

Use the form below if you have any questions or suggestions for future giveaways. We value your opinion and are dying to hear what you have to say